Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Creepy Hauntings

I received an email today from a neighbor and it's a picture of a guy with a supposedly real ghost standing next to him in the woods. I've always thought the subject of ghosts and haunted cemeteries was interesting. Out of boredom (okay, and maybe curiosity) I did a google search on ghost sightings and the first one that popped up was a picture of a ghost in a cemetery that I, as a teenager, visited with friends on numerous occasions. (Sorry, Mom - but like you didn't, either!) It's said to be one of the most haunted cemeteries in Illinois. Freaky, is it not?

This is a picture of the entrance to Bachelor's Grove Cemetery in Midlothian, IL (the town where I grew up). I can't tell you how many times I've driven past this on the Midlothian Turnpike. A few times, back in highschool, some friends and I even worked up the courage to go back in there and explore.

Further on down the gravel road (which is very creepy at night, might I admit), you come up to the old, gated cemetery.

If you click on one of the links to the websites above, you'll find pictures under
the Ghost Research link of orbs, mists, anomolies and even humanoids, like the one below. It's said that a research team was able to take the picture of the ghost below, sitting on the headstone above.

The only thing I can claim to have seen was strange lights in the cemetery, but one of the major legends of this place is the old white victorian farm house with an orange glow coming from inside that appears. When you start walking towards it, it disapears. But if you actually make it up to the house, you're never to be seen again. Not sure where that story came from, and I've never seen it myself, but everyone who knows about the cemetery has heard about it. Many claim to have seen it.

If I did, you can bet I'd have hightailed it out of there quickly. I read that it's recently been cleaned up. I'd love to see it again, you know, for old time's sake. Anyone brave enough? LOL.

1 comment:

lynda w said...

Probably. Maybe I can get him to go back with me. I'll protect him. LOL.