Thursday, October 26, 2006

Falling Behind

I am aware that it is now Thursday and that I haven't posted anything since Monday. Finding the time lately has been very difficult. I have Chloe here Monday through Wednesday and it sometimes feels like I'm the exhausted new mom. I've taken more naps in the last three weeks than I have in the last year. But really, who doesn't love a good nap during the day? I'm loving every minute of Chloe being here. I feel like I'm more organized and that I have a routine again. (Eat. Play. Sleep. Change a diaper. Eat. Play. Sleep. Change a Aside from some painfully gasy days (Chloe - not me!) she's been a delight all the way from her cooing and babbling language to her all out cheeky smiles. I love her. My kids love her. They come home from school and run straight to her. It's Thursday and we already can't wait for her to get back here on Monday. (And come January there will be two!)

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