Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Birth Control

In about an hour I go from having two kids to having four. My niece and nephew will be staying with us until Sunday evening. I'm actually pretty excited about it. The kids always have fun when they're together. Then on either Monday or Tuesday I start watching Chloe. My days of being alone during the day are just about over. All of this will definately be a good form of birth control. LOL.

Update: It's now 9:40pm. Four sets of teeth have been brushed. Nine stuffed animals and 4 blankets have been located and placed into correct beds. Four heads have been kissed goodnight. Two kids have come out of bed because they are "scared". One adorable little munchkin boy is sitting in his pack n play staring out the door. Two "scared" kids are still in bed talking. The oldest is passed out in my bed. One husband is getting ready to head down to the bedroom downstairs to sleep in kidless bliss. And now it's my turn.

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