Sunday, October 08, 2006

And Then There Were Two

Well, my two extra little ones went home tonight. I was really sad to see them go. This afternoon we headed over to a new park that's being built in the back of a new subdivision near our house. The park has a few paved trails that go through the woods around the outside of the park. See, mom? Living out in the middle of nowhere has it's advantages. Tomorrow I start watching Chloe, so I won't have too much free time on my hands to miss my niece and nephew. It was definately a lot of fun though.
* * * *
Mitchell on our walk.

Brooke & Ryan on our walk. This is my favorite picture.

It's not easy getting three kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time.

1 comment:

lynda w said...

I was too busy run after them to take pictures of the actual park. There are some on Flickr at the end of the Wild Life Prairie Park set. We had stopped there on the way back.