Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Best Buddies

While pretending (yes, just pretending) to take a little nap on the couch this afternoon, I listened to my son and his friend, Reece while they where playing with Ryan's Hot Wheels. This is the conversation that I overheard:

Ryan: Let's play with this, Reece.

Reece: Okay, Ryan. How does it work?

Ryan: Wait until I get it together, Reece.

Reece: Okay, Ryan. (again) How does it work? What does this do?

Ryan: Just wait, Reece. I'll show you.

Reece: Wow, this is awesome, dude!

Ryan: Yeah, dude!

Reece: I'm going to be yellow, Ryan.

Ryan: No, I'm going to be yellow because it's my favorite color.

Reece: I'm going to be yellow because it goes faster.

Ryan: Then I'm not going to play!

Reece: Lynda, Ryan threw the red one!

Lynda (from under the blanket): Ryan, don't throw your toys.

Ryan: Oookaaay (with a scowl).

Reece: Hey, Ryan. I have an idea. Let's go play with the trains downstairs!

Ryan: Yeah! That's a great idea!

(I guess they're friends again...LOL)

(A half hour later they come back up)

Reece: Ryan, I think I'm going to go home now.

Ryan: Ok, I'll go with you.

Reece: I think I don't want you to go with me.

Ryan: Oh. Well, if I don't go with you, I'm going to take this toy back downstairs and play with it by myself. (Picks up How Wheels toy and slowly turns around)

(Like Reece cares...LOL)

Reece: Ok, bye, Ryan.

So, what the heck happened before they came upstairs? Don't worry, they'll be friends again later when they miss each other...LOL. But can you see why I needed a nap?

Update: It's ten minutes later and they're already outside swinging on the swingset together. I thought this was girl behavior?!

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