Sunday, September 30, 2007

Little Salesman

My little Tiger Scout.

Ryan was really excited today because he got to join his Cub Scout pack over at the new outdoor mall to sell popcorn. After rushing to get his patches sewn on to his new shirt, I took him there not sure what to expect out of him.

Thinking he was going to be one of those shy kids who wouldn't want to go up to anyone, he totally surprised me by running around with his arms pull of bags of microwaveable popcorn chasing people down. It was hilarious to watch, because each person walking by would pretty much get assaulted by 4 or 5 cute little boys in blue shirts - and not at the same time. Who in the world could turn them down? You'd be surprised. I couldn't believe how many people walked by them, totally ignoring them. They could at least have just said, "No, thanks" while walking by. And then there was the poor unassuming kindergarten teacher from their school who got hit up for a case, the lady walking by on her cell phone that couldn't say no and every other person that we knew and wouldn't let walk by without buying a bag.

The boys did a great job, but Ryan really surprised me. I am so proud of him.


Unknown said...


Tell Ryan Grammie told me his story and I placed my order with her. Nice Job Ryan. Go Ryan Go Ryan Go Ryan.

lynda w said...

Aww, thanks! He'll be so excited.

Vicki said...

I've got lots of orders for him from work! I think the pic of him attached to the email made the difference, lol. I printed it out and attached it to the list. Who can resist those pleading eyes!

Vicki said...

I've got lots of orders for him from work! I think the pic of him attached to the email made the difference, lol. I printed it out and attached it to the list. Who can resist those pleading eyes!