Sunday, March 09, 2008

We Call That March Around Here

It's been awhile since my last post and I still don't really have anything interesting for you. I seem to have hit a temporary little "blogger's block" here. That and I spent so much time on the computer in the weeks up until Rock The House that I'm just a bit computered out. I went from being insanely stressed out and busy to - nothing. My house is clean, the laundry is caught up as well as the DVR. It's like the calm before the storm. It's what we call March around here.

March is the month where there is nothing going on. March is still too cold outside to do much of anything, but it does give you a glimpse of what's to come - a spattering of days here and there that are springlike where you spend the day outside with your kids only to come back inside at night, exhausted and worn out, saying that you are so not ready for every day to be like today.

March eventually turns into April and your kids and their Spring sports swing into full gear. Spring sports turn into Summer sports and then there is no time to breathe again until summer is over - well no time except for those lazy days at the pool.

Which brings us back to March. We're already into the second week of March and we need to seriously get on this teaching Ryan how to swim thing. Last spring we enrolled him in swim lessons, only to have that end in major trauma. This spring I am determined to have this kid get over the fear of sticking his face in the water so he can learn how to swim before summer gets here. With Chloe able to walk this summer, I really need him to be able to swim on his own or our trips to the pool may not happen very often this summer due to high stress levels. So I shall be enrolling him again and will be praying for the locker room door to behave itself this year.

March also messes up the internal clock. We got up this morning and it was after lunch before we realized that we were suppose to set the clocks forward. By bedtime I couldn't figure out why the kids were so NOT tired when I realized that for them it was like being put to bed at 7:30pm. Now I'm sitting here at 10:40pm and am the furthest thing from tired, which means that I'll be dragging tomorrow morning.

Soon enough March will be turning into April and life will become hectic again. For now, I think I'll enjoy the break.


maggie said...

I'd definitely enjoy that bit of calm while its there, and you are always welcome to clean here if your place is all done and you are looking for more to do ;)

Anonymous said...

Now if you called your mom a little more often she would have warned you of the time change! Not that it would have made much difference since your mom couldn't fall asleep until after midnight! I hate changing time!

Author said...

Enjoy March while it lasts! It might be another year before things settle down again ;-)

Yeah, it seems I'm awake two extra hours each time the clock jumps one. I don't mind "falling" back, though.

Tasina said...

I think you're likely busier on your calmest day than I am on my slowest!! Just reading about your life makes me tired! But you always seem to be having fun. Enjoy your break!

I hope Ryan learns to swim. My kids are both little fish and they have sooooooo much fun with it.

lynda w said...

I was so tired from the time change today that I ended up taking a 3 hour nap. Chloe has been home sick with the flu since last Thursday and I'm praying that we don't get it.