Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hmm, How Much Is This Going To Cost Us?

After Ryan's last baseball game of the season tonight, I went out front with the intention of cutting back my out of control landscaping. We've had a lot of rain and it's grown faster than I've been able to keep up with.

I was shocked to find that this was the case through out our landscaping. It wasn't like this a week or so ago when I had last checked it and pulled weeds. It really looks awful!

This is the son of a b**** that's to blame. Him and his swarm of friends that protested as I tried to cut back the plant.

Now, I most definately do not have much of a "green thumb" (or I wouldn't have put in plants that get so freaking big), but this landscaping has been here for almost 5 years and we're just now having this problem? From what I know, these beetles will soon turn to grubs and kill our grass next. (Little do they know that Nature Scape is already coming for them with their next application!)

They've eaten almost all of the leaves on these two purplish plants that I have. (See? Green thumb? Ha! I can't even tell you the name of the plants.) Upon closer look, they've just gotten started on the other plants. Ugh!

How do I deal with this?!?!
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MamaFlo said...

The bush looks like a red tip photinia but I didn't think they grew that far north. If that's what it is then you can take yellow corn meal and put about half a cup at it's base once a month for 3 months.

Teri said...

those little guys were here last year too!! They are nasty things... And love to eat everything!
Hey have a wonderful time on your trip.. I'm going to WI tomorrow.. I'm so excited..